Hi everyone. I just want to talk about grade 6. Well I'm having a very good time so far. I started school on Sept 6. There is a new girl on the bus in my grade and her name is Emily Ross. My best friend is still Heather Vanveen. I'm very glad I'm getting better in lots of things. Like handwriting and gym. Yesterday another new student came and his name is Kasey. At recess my friends and I play on the swings, tennis or sorry. There is 2 reasons why I don't like school. I have to wake up early and go to bed earlier than usually. But I like school because I learn new things and play new games. I also go out side and play with my freinds and go to a place where no one is so we can talk about boys. Heather Vanveen, Katie Wedge, Amber Rappe and me give each other turns to pick what we are going to do. Some times we chase the boys all around the school grounds and sometimes we play sorry. I am the best girl student in my class and the best boy student Logan.M. For the first week or two I was sad because my boyfreind Nathan Axworthy can not come to school until November because he has to go to a A+ school. On Friday is the Terry Fox Walk and Nathan is going and I'm glad he is going so I can see him for the first time in school. His little brother Branden is there but not Nathan. I really want these years 2007-2008 to be great and wonderful.
Bye for now. Nicolle
Wow! Your first blog.
What do you mean that you chase the boys?... mmmmmm!
Have fun at the Terry Fox run.
Grade 6 will be a GREAT year.
Love always, Mom
Hi Nicolle, sounds like Grade 6 is going just fine and that all your favourite things are still at school, well except Nathan that is.... It sure is nice to have good friends to play and chat and chase with, isn't it!
I saw some of my friends at work today and that is always fun too!
I like blogs a lot so I will keep checking...keep writing baby!!
Love ya, Tante Tetcy (TT)
Dear Nicolle,
Sounds like life is busy in grade 6! How is the new play place going?
I have to play nintento with matt but I will keep checking
love Amanda
Hey Nicolle, I didn't know you started a blog too! That means that almost eveyone in the family has a blog. I'll be sure to keep checking in, so keep writing!
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